Spelling (Term 3)

Unit 7: Statues (Spelling on Monday 1 August 2016)

1) The two collided with a sickening thud and Maria was horrified to see her friend covered in blood.

  • Collided – Hit by accident when moving
  • Thud – A dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground
  • Sickening – Cause a feeling of disgust

2) Due to the nasty accident, the car was a total wreck. The driver had to purchase a new car after the accident.

  • wreck – something, especially a vehicle or building, that has been badly damaged or destroyed.
  • total – complete

3) The poor cat was found lying in a pool of blood. The police is still trying to find the serial cat murderer.


4) The Jurong Primary School boy was knocked down by a car when he dashed across the road.


The famous boxer knocked down his opponent within a minute!


  • Knocked down – To strike to the ground with or as if with a sharp blow

5) Seeing the victim trapped in the car, the passers-by rendered help by pulling her out of it.

  • Rendered – provide or give (a service, help, etc.).

6) There was a sudden screeching of brakes as the driver tried to stop in time before hitting the stray dog.

  • Screeching –  a loud and piercing sound
  • Brakes – a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle

7) The naughty boys were trying to steal the football from the PE room. They decided to make a beeline for the door when they heard Miss Lee entering the room.


  • Make a beeline – to move quickly and directly toward something:

8) Steven was frozen stiff with fear when he saw a white figure float across the living room.

  • Frozen stiff with fear – In so much fear that one cannot even move


9) The cars were racing at breakneck speed towards the junction.

  • at breakneck speed – carelessly fast and dangerous

10) The firemen arrived at the eleventh hour, just in time to prevent the forest fire from engulfing the city.

– It was only until the eleventh hour that Lily studied for her examination. However, it was  too late. There were too many chapters to study and she could not finish them before her exam the next day.

  • at the eleventh hour – last minute

Unit 9: What is a Tsunami? (Thursday, 4 August)

1) The Nepal earthquake was a natural disaster that killed many innocent people.

– Jane was totally unprepared for her presentation and it was a complete disaster.

  • disaster – a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
  • disaster – an event or fact that has unfortunate consequences

2) Ahmad collapsed on the running track due to a heatstroke.

  • collapsed – suddenly fall down

3) and 6) On 11 March, 2011, a megathrust earthquake struck off the coast of Japan. The Tōhoku earthquake produced a massive tsunami that devastated parts of Japan, killing over 15,000 and causing one of the worst nuclear disasters in history

4) The rats appear out of nowhere. Everyone screams at the top of their lungs when they see the rats running around.

  • appear – come into sight

5) Joseph experiences a sharp pain in his chest when he coughs. The doctor advises him to take his medication regularly.

– Ming shared his travelling experiences on Youtube through a series of videos.

  • experience (verb) – encounter or undergo
  • experience (noun) – an event or encounter that someone undergoes

7) Many marine animals are dying due to the recent massive oil spill in the ocean. 

  • ocean – a very large expanse of sea
  • ocean is bigger than sea

8) Mum was not careful while pouring the juice. The cup was overflowing with juice.

  • overflowing – too full until something is spilling over


9) Boxing matches still occur, but the boxers participate voluntarily.

  • occur – happen

10) The baby pool is so shallow that the water only reaches up to my knees.

  • shallow – not deep


Unit 9: What is a Tsunami? (Thursday, 11 August)

1) The children were so disappointed when it started raining cats and dogs. The school had to cancel the learning journey to the zoo because of the heavy rain.

  • raining cats and dogs – a storm with wind, very heavy rain.

2) The rumblings of thunder woke the poor baby from her sleep and frightened her to tears.

  • rumbling – a continuous deep and clear sound

3) Streaks of lightning could be seen flashing across the sky.

  • streaks – a long, thin line or mark

4) The car swirled and twirled around the junction when it collided with the lorry.

  • swirled -move in a twisting or spiralling pattern
  • twirled – spin quickly and lightly round, especially repeatedly

5) The ambulance arrived in the nick of time to send the victim to the hospital. Otherwise, the victim would have died of a severe loss of blood.

  • in the nick of time – just in time

6) 7) 8)  There was very bad landslide and the earth flowed onto the land like a giant bulldozer, snapping trees like twigs and pushing huge building off their foundations.

  • bulldozer – a powerful track-laying tractor with caterpillar tracks and a broad curved upright blade at the front for clearing ground.
  • snapping – breaking
  • twigs – skinny, tiny tree branches


9) News of the cheating case spread through the school like ripples from a stone thrown in a pond.



  • like ripples from a stone thrown in a pool (simile) – something that spreads very fast and wide.

10) The glass of the infinity pool suddenly broke and a wall of water gushed down the building violently.


Take note of these spelling words. You can use them in your composition writing. They may also appear in the SA2 examination.